Camp 1 Rootz statement in support of Black Lives Matter & Addressing COVID-19
We've screamed for justice, we've cried for freedom, we've endured the pain of sacrifice and we have been ignored. An essential part of Camp 1 Rootz' Mission is to offer our children, families, and communities a holistic, loving and nurturing environment that fosters self-determination, self-sufficiency and sustainability through adventure, learning and building skillz.
These have been essential traits and values which need to be reestablished and cultivated amongst our people since our arrival upon the "American" shores. Be it COVID-19, a predatory policing system or institutionalized systemic racism as a whole, the necessity to pass on these values remains imperative because Black lives matter, and always have.
Camp 1 Rootz is committed to creating realities free of oppression, fear, and discrimination for all people. We consider ourselves connected to any efforts to battle injustice and stand for liberation.
In alignment with our efforts, We would appreciate any support you may be able to offer in the attempt to reinforce these values amongst our people and most importantly our youth. We will no longer be ignored.
Together we will win!
1 RootZ
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